Final Fantasy Tactics The War Of The Lions Wiki
Crest of Lionnel

Lionel is one of the seven territories of Final Fantasy Tactics Ivalice. It was once known as the land of the Holy Empire Yudora and the center of the ancient teachings known as Fara Church. Both crumbled after a catastrophe struck the capital, which occurred soon after the execution of Saint Ajora Glabados who was known as the central figure in the Church of Glabados. Lionel continues its role as a religious territory, ruled by Alphons Draclau, a

prominent figure in the Church and one of the heroes of the Fifty Years' War.


  • Lionel Castle - Home to Cardinal Delacroix, liege lord of Lionel, this castle once belonged to the Holy Yudora Empire.
  • Zaland Fort City - An elevated city built atop a low mountain, this castled city serves as a gateway to the province of Lionel.
  • Warjilis Trade City - The only merchant port in Lionel, this city developed as a port of transit for trade on the Bugross Sea.
  • Goug Machine City - A mining town where mechanical weapons are crafted using techniques passed down from antiquity.
  • Golgorand Execution Site - The site of Saint Ajora's execution, now employed as a public execution ground by Lionel.
  • Zigolis Swamp - Countless people died here during the Fifty Years' War, changing this once fertile plain into a poisonous fen.
  • Bariaus Hill - The location where bariaus, the first of Saint Ajora's disciples, was put to death by the Holy Ydoran Empire.
  • Bariaus Valley - The barren valley where bariaus, the first of Saint Ajora's disciples, hid from the Holy Ydoran Empire's pursuers.