Final Fantasy Tactics The War Of The Lions Wiki

Gallione, is a duchy from Final Fantasy Tactics. Ruled by Prince Bestrada Larg, it is located in western Ivalice in Final Fantasy Tactics. Its seat of power is Igros Castle. As such, it is held by the Order of the Northern Sky knights during the War of the Lions. Gallionne is also home to the House Beoulve.

Crest of Gallionne

Locations []

  • Igros Castle - High seat of Gallione and home to Prince Bestrada Larg, its lord, this city is second in size only to the Lesalia Imperial Capital.
  • Magic City Gariland - Home to the Royal Academy for the magic Arts, famous for producing Elidibs, mage hero of the Fifty Years' War.
  • Dorter Trade City - A city that developed as a hub for overland trade. It is a lively place frequented by all manner of merchants.
  • Fort Zeakden - A fortress built during the Fifty Years' War to prevent a Romandan invasion from across the Rhana Strait.
  • Thieves' Fort - A small structure build upon a pier. Once a refuge for fishermen, it is now home to brigands.
  • Mandalia Plains - Large limestone spires protrude from this plain like the fangs of a great beast.
  • Sweegy Woods - An ancient forest surrounded on all sides by mountains. Said to have once been home to a race of extinct Moogles.
  • Lenalia - A barren plateau dotted with jagged boulders, but little flora of which to speak.